We are always honored when we’re selected to host a private event, and bachelorette party tours are some of the most fun tours we host. Old Town Fort Collins is a great place for an evening out on the town, and I was thrilled to guide a group of lovely ladies for a taste of the town to celebrate Lauren’s upcoming wedding. We started at The Waffle Lab for a gourmet Belgian-style liege waffle topped with fried chicken, gravy, and paired with a cocktail. We then walked into Old Town for a bar tender’s choice cocktail at Social. At stop three we enjoyed a cheese & charcuterie platter, tater tots, and two tasters of locally brewed beer and one taster of cider at Pour Brothers. We ended with a wine and chocolate pairing at Lost Prairie Winery. I had a fantastic time with this group of lovely ladies. Cheers to good times and great friends!
- Stop 1, The Waffle Lab
- Cheers to waffles, fried chicken, and the bride to be!
- Hearing about our bar tender’s choice cocktail at Social
- Mixing up 11 cocktails at Social
- Bar Tender’s choice cocktails let us try new things.
- Tater tots at Pour Brothers
- Cheese, charcuterie, and beer tasters at Pour Brothers
- Cheers to wine, chocolate, and Lauren!